
Learn life saving skills at home or work with our world-first, first aid e-learning platform. This course is suitable for anyone who wishes to empower themselves with first aid knowledge and skills.

The Order of St John in South Africa is transforming the First Aid training sector by introducing a world-first, international gold standard, First Aid e-learning course. The innovative 18-hour first aid blended learning course combines the theoretical component of First Aid Level 1; with a classroom-based practical hosted at St John Training Centres across South Africa.


Global trends indicate a shift from traditional classroom-based training to a blended approach, which combines online learning with face-to-face interaction. 

From compelling video lectures and dynamic visuals to data visualisation and interactive components, there are a multitude of ways to learn new, life-saving skills and techniques.

Access the theory component from either desktop or mobile devices to enable learning-on-the-go that aligns with your preferred schedule and pace of training. 

Following registration, your course profile and progress will be valid for 6 months before final submission is due.

On this course you’ll acquire first aid knowledge and skills to treat both minor and life-threatening injuries, including administering Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

On completion of the theory, you’ll have the opportunity to book an appointment at one of our national St John Training Centres for the practical assessment. 

Group rates for 20+ learners

Our innovative First Aid e-Learning course will provide learners with hands-on knowledge that will make a difference in an emergency.  Users can expect high-quality training with up-to-date information and first aid protocols. 


St John is a leading First Aid service provider with accreditations from the Quality Council of Trades and Occupation (QCTO), the Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs), the American Heart Association, and the Resuscitation Council of South Africa (RCSA). While the online course may not be accredited by the SETAs, its content is directly aligned with the South African Quality Assurance (SAQA) unit standard 119567, reflecting the high quality of St John training.


18hrs of online theory & in-person practical

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