Grand Council is a two-day annual event that takes place once a year in a different St John establishment within the worldwide St John family. This year's Grand Council was held in Cardiff, Wales.

by Stuart Waetzel - Chancellor

This year I attended my first Grand Council of the Order, the annual meeting which brings our global leadership together. Priors and/or Chancellors, CEOs and the College of Deans joined the Great Officers and the Grand Prior in Wales to discuss the important issues and challenges facing us.

During most of the conference it rained but we received the warmest welcome you could imagine from our hosts and ate mini-Welsh cakes with our warm cappuccinos. During the two days preceding Grand Council (filled with pre-meetings and during which time I was able to have a one-on-one meeting with the Lord Prior) as well as during Grand Council I was welcomed into the group. I observed a group ready to challenge each other and to ask difficult questions as well as to recognise each other’s success.

Knowing that difficult conversations can take place without damaging good relationships helps to build up trust and creates the culture leaders need to drive forward progress and set out ambitious plans.

My first Grand Council felt to me – as if I were a passenger standing on the platform with an express train that I had to catch racing past, but all the occupants hands were out willing to pull me on board. It was a huge privilege to have been a part of Grand Council 2024.

Day one of Grand Council focused on Recruitment and Retention:

  • We looked at the global context of volunteering.
  • We heard from our International Youth Advisory Network (IYAN) about what inspires them to volunteer for St John.
  • We discussed the retention of volunteers post-pandemic.
  • We shared reflections on the Pro Fide half of our motto, and sensitively asked ourselves how we incorporate “for all faiths and none” into our volunteering approach.
  • We looked at our Profile, and what it means to speak as one voice, or as multiple voices, depending on our audience and topic.
  • Our Grand Prior, HRH The Duke of Gloucester joined day two of Grand Council. Day two discussions focused on Reward and Recognition.
  • We explored the different ways we currently recognise our St John volunteers – and shared best practices between our
  • We heard an update from our three Regions. We reflected on our performance against our International Global Strategy and how our different roles work together to achieve it.
  • We heard an update from our new Fundraising approach.
  • We discussed our Succession Planning and how we incentivise our volunteers to be our next senior leaders.