From the desk of James Moodie - Chief Commissioner of Brigade

We’re already three-quarters into the year, and what a busy time it’s been!

This edition of Madireng highlights some standout moments, including the Johannesburg investiture, the Kimberley District competition, and our growing connections with schools – all thanks to the dedication of our Brigade volunteers. Dive in to learn more about our recent activities, honours, and awards platform, and to stay updated on Brigade developments.

Download the full newsletter to read all about it

Event Medical Cover

Brigade members continue to provide events medical coverage across South Africa. The dedication of our members makes sure that the St John Brigade remains a popular choice for event medical services, especially for sporting fixtures. If you, or someone you know would like to make use of these services, a request can be emailed to

Keen to join Brigade?

We accept all persons aged 9–70 years of age. St John Brigade remains one of the best ways for those intent on entering the medical field to gain basic training and practice.

If you are not a Brigade member but would like to receive an electronic copy of the Madireng,
please email the Chief Commissioner: